Laura Bressan  the voice/sound healer accessing the vibration field at Avenbury under sacred trees.
Laura Bressan  the voice/sound healer accessing the vibration field at Avenbury under sacred trees.

The Sound Walk

Discover the power of sound healing

The Sound Walk is a journey through frequencies and healing Sounds channelled directly from the Source through my voice.

An unique and tailored sound healing experience embracing mind, body and soul transformation.

person holding quarts
person holding quarts
macro photography of black ceramic Gautama Buddha miniature
macro photography of black ceramic Gautama Buddha miniature

Transformative Sound Experiences

Sound Walks Sessions are entirely channelled at the Source therefore there is no format and/or specific process to follow.

Depending on the person with whom I share the Sound Walk and the situation, a specific frequency or set of frequencies is channelled through my voice. It works to release energy blocks and re-establish the energy flow within the human system.

Sound vibration is the most ancient form of healing and works on all levels of the human energetic system with a particular focus on the 3 denser layers/bodies: mental, emotional and physical bodies.

I work on the basis of 432hz frequency as per Solfeggio model to release blocks and move energy into its own original flow supporting the human system's own transformational power.

silhouette of person standing on rock surrounded by body of water

Contact Me

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